Just because we at rocketfuelcoffee.com roast, grind and drink the finest and freshest coffee anywhere, does not mean that we have to make a huge fuss about preparing it at home or at the office. Au contraire, we have already chosen the most wonderful beans. The rest should be easy.
On the rocketfuelcoffee.com website, we show instructions for coffee brewing with both French Press and more commonly used Drip coffee makers. Both make delicious coffee based on personal preference, what you are familiar with and what your wallet can afford. Matthew and I have a Bunn Drip coffee maker on our counter top that we use every day, but when we went to Paris, we had coffee with a French Press brewer. We bought one immediately upon our return to Toronto. It sits on our counter and it looks great, but we rarely use it. The coffee is absolutely delicious when we use it though! It is a Freiling. I understand the Bodums are great too.
I would have to say the biggest draw back about most home drip coffeemakers that I have seen is the coffee does not get piping hot. And if it is not hot, it does not stay hot and it does not stay fresh. Microwaving coffee to bring it back to life is like a day old slice of birthday cake. Uh, yeah. Whoopee. But a good one is terrific, like a Bunn or a Cuisinart. If you have one you like, let us know here and share your knowledge.
The last point I want to make is one I wanted to get off my chest when I started my new business. Seems the real coffee snobs only tolerate their elixir strong and black. Polluting the finest brew is sinful and disrespectful to the sacred bean. True confession time. I like mine with milk and sugar. Matthew likes his black. And we are still married.