Don't get too excited, Matthew and I have not become true rocket scientists yet, except maybe in our own minds! We have become the proud owners of a lightly used Behmor 1600 coffee bean roaster and we can now roast small batches at home. Believe me, George, rocketfuelcoffee.com's sommelier is not concerned that Drs Frankenstein and Frankenstein will put him out of business.

Although it has taken over 2 weeks and about 5 pounds of green beans to get even a remotely drinkable cup out of the Behmor, it has been a fun project and our house smells great! Matthew thinks my constant desire to mix beans into whacko blends is disgusting. I think he is a prude and a supremacist.
The reason we got this thing is to try exotic coffee beans 1/2 a pound at a time. George, bless his heart will only fire up his cannons for 20 pounds at a time. If I get in some green beans of India Mysore Nuggets and I am not sure about them, what am I going to do with 20 pounds?

Shall keep on roasting, but so far results vary. Beans have not been dark enough for fear of burning down the house. Oh and never use an extension chord as not enough electrical juice gets to the monster. Roast 1/2 a pound on the one pound setting and set up a chair in front and watch like a TV (that's what I do). That way you can throw it out the door if a bean bursts into flame.
Roast ON!